Buy Wholesale

Are you looking for a supplier …

who needs large quantity of tea leaves or powder but are worried about the quality and the timely delivery ?

We know exactly how we can meet your expectations. We have enough experience in execution and we not only take pride in perfecting this process but are also proud of our connectons, logistics partners and our source of supply.

We are a part of the the India’s athorized auctioneers for tea and coffee boards, and are also Halal certified by a internationally recognized organization.

Why Choose Us

We have the sources and the logistics all planed out.
Rest assured, we also qualify among your top 4 criteria

Our output comes out of a rigorous industry standard quality checks from plantation to packaging.

We are certified by the industry standard and internationally recognized organizations.

We have two international quality brands Herrlich Tea and Coffee Man Roasters which is already left a strong footprints in South India, Malaysia and Arabian countries.

Our pricing is quite competitive since we have the ability to source directly from the plantations.

Interested? Lets start talking
We shall contacting you within 48 hours.